I honestly don't know how or why I've stayed on this site for so long, maybe it was my own idiotic determination in my younger days, or maybe I've been here to long to just leave.
Whatever the reason, it doesn't change i've been on this hellhole, which was thought at a point in my life to be a haven. Man, i was sure proven wrong. But, I'll be here for a while, I'm not done with this site yet, it just kind of made me realize how the hell I got here in the first place.
But instead of doing that, I'd just like to thank Newgrounds for those past 5 years, and the users that made this place worth while to hang onto.
So thanks to the finest people on this site including those who aren't here anymore:
wwwyzzerd, Green-Lanturn, Moloko, Gooch, Maus, Veryproudofya, Slightly Crazy Dude, ShitOnAStick, deckheadtottie, Bobby-Jenkins, Red-Circle, BananaBreadMuffin, SardonicSamurai, bigbadron, Bahamut, 36Holla, and Dobio
Here is a special list for my favourite users though, hope the guys above don't get to jealous ;D
Alastor: Possibly the coolest, most down to earth moderator of all time. Great guy overall
BatDan: This guy is very cheerful, and very smart. I hope only good things for him.
Gendo: This one sure is going to be long, here it goes... I'd like to say this here right now, Gendo has to be my best friend I've ever made on this website, he's funny, smart, and just fucking awesome. He's really a person you can get along great with, and his quick wit is infectious. You'll understand him really fast, and know he's just himself. A cool guy.
JadeTheAssassin: Here's to the first NGer I've ever met in real life. I was quite nervous that day, being I was on a field trip, and planned a mini meet on that day. So, I didn't know what to expect. Jade is a very sweet person, and very funny. I just wish I hadn't been so nervous that day, I would probably be more talkative, but I didn't know what to expect. so, hope next time around I'm not a total nervous douche :p
Mast3rmind: This guy was real damn cool back in my early days were everyone was on me like wild fire, and he's the guy who told me not to let a bunch of dumbass faggots get to me on the internet. Not only that, he's funny and pretty much the polar opposite of many newgrounds users.
Mendou: I knew this guy from the Anime club, and he was just cool, and easy going. Mendou, you are a real winner.
Zen-Gaijin: Possibly the oldest person on this site in spirit alone, he's done so damn much for the site, and it's a about damn time he was given proper credit. Zen is a fucking genius, and one of the nicest people here, hope this guy becomes more active again, we need him here.
ZeroAsALimit: The master of posts, and obscure music of all types. This man is hysterical and not a cunt. the best perv here really. I raise a glass for ZAAL.
Well, I think I sucked enough cocks for one news post, but I mean it; it's been five years and these people have made Newgrounds a fun place despite the many flaws it has going for it. Possibly the saving grace that kept me here for this long are the people who I find awesome.
So, Happy five years to be, I hope to be around for a bit longer, so I won't be gone for a while. Here's to you, Newgrounds.
Ohhhhh you.
Here's to that old paranoid cat that hangs in the dumpster and hasn't left since.