The Tetsuya Naito of Newgrounds

Age 35, Male

Being ingobernable


Vancouver, BC, Canada

Joined on 11/21/03

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6,294 / 6,400
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MattTheParanoidKat's News

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - June 23rd, 2009

I deleted all the porn off my computer, videos and pictures alike. The reason being is not for space issues (though that's a bonus, and it made my computer run alot better). No, the reason is that porn is far too distracting, I have many projects to do and porn interferes with them, making it hard to follow through on those tasks. I usually spend hours on websites looking for porn, get bored, look through my folder and only look at one pic out of a thousand. Completely unneeded. I am also not gonna be masturbating for atleast a month. This is because I feel masturbating takes out my energy to socialize. So yeah, the hand is banned.

Plus, I need to start working soon, get money and buy... I'm not telling you, let's just say it involves magic and big tripods and a jacket and a gun and toys and LOUD NOISES!

Also, God is dead, all religions are bullshit, Carlin is your messiah, start reading Max Stirner and Nietzsche and kill the Irate Gamer.

So, heres something for you all :D

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PS NG, allow embeding for Blip.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - April 1st, 2009

Heil the supreme rule of the Chinese government, and Tibet is full of pussies.



Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - November 21st, 2008

I honestly don't know how or why I've stayed on this site for so long, maybe it was my own idiotic determination in my younger days, or maybe I've been here to long to just leave.

Whatever the reason, it doesn't change i've been on this hellhole, which was thought at a point in my life to be a haven. Man, i was sure proven wrong. But, I'll be here for a while, I'm not done with this site yet, it just kind of made me realize how the hell I got here in the first place.

But instead of doing that, I'd just like to thank Newgrounds for those past 5 years, and the users that made this place worth while to hang onto.

So thanks to the finest people on this site including those who aren't here anymore:

wwwyzzerd, Green-Lanturn, Moloko, Gooch, Maus, Veryproudofya, Slightly Crazy Dude, ShitOnAStick, deckheadtottie, Bobby-Jenkins, Red-Circle, BananaBreadMuffin, SardonicSamurai, bigbadron, Bahamut, 36Holla, and Dobio

Here is a special list for my favourite users though, hope the guys above don't get to jealous ;D

Alastor: Possibly the coolest, most down to earth moderator of all time. Great guy overall
BatDan: This guy is very cheerful, and very smart. I hope only good things for him.
Gendo: This one sure is going to be long, here it goes... I'd like to say this here right now, Gendo has to be my best friend I've ever made on this website, he's funny, smart, and just fucking awesome. He's really a person you can get along great with, and his quick wit is infectious. You'll understand him really fast, and know he's just himself. A cool guy.
JadeTheAssassin: Here's to the first NGer I've ever met in real life. I was quite nervous that day, being I was on a field trip, and planned a mini meet on that day. So, I didn't know what to expect. Jade is a very sweet person, and very funny. I just wish I hadn't been so nervous that day, I would probably be more talkative, but I didn't know what to expect. so, hope next time around I'm not a total nervous douche :p
Mast3rmind: This guy was real damn cool back in my early days were everyone was on me like wild fire, and he's the guy who told me not to let a bunch of dumbass faggots get to me on the internet. Not only that, he's funny and pretty much the polar opposite of many newgrounds users.
Mendou: I knew this guy from the Anime club, and he was just cool, and easy going. Mendou, you are a real winner.
Zen-Gaijin: Possibly the oldest person on this site in spirit alone, he's done so damn much for the site, and it's a about damn time he was given proper credit. Zen is a fucking genius, and one of the nicest people here, hope this guy becomes more active again, we need him here.
ZeroAsALimit: The master of posts, and obscure music of all types. This man is hysterical and not a cunt. the best perv here really. I raise a glass for ZAAL.

Well, I think I sucked enough cocks for one news post, but I mean it; it's been five years and these people have made Newgrounds a fun place despite the many flaws it has going for it. Possibly the saving grace that kept me here for this long are the people who I find awesome.

So, Happy five years to be, I hope to be around for a bit longer, so I won't be gone for a while. Here's to you, Newgrounds.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - October 10th, 2008

Getting my Wisdom Teeth pulled on October 23rd. Shit is going to suck major dick. I'm getting all 4 pulled, and I'm not going to be gassed when it happens.



Edit: got them pulled, and i'd like to say god doesn't not exist... not an invisble man in the sky or a teenage girl. GOD IS A FUCKING PILL! IBUPROFEN IS BLISS!


Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - August 15th, 2008

Well, it has been a while. Figured I'd make a new news post and all that. I figured it was time to do this. I need to basically explain this series, and the different flaws, and also to dispel some ignorance about the games. Obviously, if you've payed attention to the title you'll know this is about Final Fantasy, and to those who haven't: OI WAKE UP!

Anyway, Final Fantasy is a franchise that I have come to enjoy, and respect, and at the same time be pessimistic, and angry about it. Now, to people who like Japanese Role Playing Games have obviously played at least one of these games in a point of their lives. So, you'll understand the need to be cynical about these tyopes of games. Ofcourse, there are twat mouths who like Westernized Role Playing Games, and because they are arrogant faggots who enjoy customizing characters, they are really fucking critical of JRPGs. I Honestly can understand their angst and all that, but to say that they aren't even RPGs is an absurd claim. Now, there are many differences between WRPGs, and JRPGs, but you could easily find all that on wikipedia anyway,. Basically, there is very few differences between the two genres anyway, and since both of utilizes grind, after grind after motherfucking grind, then I can easily tell you all to be quiet, shut the fuck up, and let people play the games they wanna play. So, shitting all over games like Final Fantasy is only gonna make you look like an egotistical troll, who thinks that you know more about video games then others.

So, now to actually get on with the whole rant about Final Fantasy. That first WALL OF TEXT was and is to keep pessimistic faggots from trying to shit all over this new bulletin. Now, here is where I get into Final Fantasy. As most of you know, and have noticed, if it's the "Final Fantasy" how come there are more then 13 titles and spinoffs incorporating that name? Easy, when Square was about to go under, they decided to get Hironobu Sakaguchi to create a game that would mark the final nail in the coffin for the company. He said he's be much better at creating a story then an action game. So, that's how Final Fantasy came to be. When it actually sold very well, and got critical release in the states they decided that this series had potential and can keep it going. Then it turned into milking of the fucking franchise. Now that's all and good, because it's a corporation now, and that's what corporations do, but it usually causes the quality of the games to go down, or other games to be vastly overshadowed. Fans of the EarthBound series, Chrono Series, Phantasy Star and Fire Emblem series you probably understand this. But, it pays to be cynical, so lets get the fucker over with. Final Fantasy is not the greatest series of all time. It is under refined and it lacks what alot of WRPG fans keep complaining about. I mean, I personally don't mind turned based combat, and random encounters, but one it gets into the 7th generation of gaming, it needs a bit of an update. At the very lest no random encouters. Lost Odyssey has this problem, which is part of the reason why critics give it mixed reviews. But, in all honesty, it's a great game, with enjoying characters, and some fun gameplay elements. But, alot of people enjoy choices in modern WRPG, every does. and as much as I love the story and linearity in games such as Final Fantasy, could I get something of a choice? I mean, even if it's the choice not to get an item, or a character for my party, I still would love something, so I can get a higher replay value out of the games. Which is why I call Final Fantasy 6, and Chrono Trigger the best games of all time. Chrono Trigger is short, and sweet, with so much choice, and multiple endings. It also helps that the combat is great, and all that. Final Fantasy 6 is more about story then choice. But, the fact that it's so fun to play. I am a bit vague on the details, but I just love the game.

Now, you've probably grown tired of my bitching, and my criticism, but this series need it, all games have their flaws, and some time it's the flaws that make them stand out from other games that want to be the same fucking game. Also, notice the amount of run-on sentences I put into this, it's a problem I have, but I honestly don't care enough, so they'll keep coming. Just like how Final Fantasy constantly changes it's game systems. No two Final Fantasy games are exactly the same. They may borrow elements from the preceding games, but it's an attempt at originality. Now, this is a huge problem, because it can easily alienate fans, and be a complete miss altogether. However, we can easily welcome the changes made, and it could be fun to play. However, story, and character development might be hurt by this. Like Final Fantasy X-2. Admittedly, the game play is fun, and adds a whole new challenge. But, it was a bad story, with bad characters, and pretty bleh music. But, it's still a fun, and neat game. Now, I will explain Final Fantasy VII quickly. I'm not a huge fan of the game, and I don' really care for most of the main characters except for Yuffie, and maybe Red 13. The story doesn't seem as interesting as 4, 5, and 6's stories (AKA the holy fucking grail of the series). But is it a bad game? I doubt it. Is it the worst in the series? Probably, but I still would give that title to another game in the series. The story may not be the best, but it is nice, and even though materia iis a horrid fucking system, it did start Limit breaks, and is cool. Aside from a lame main character, and villian and the whole revolution shit, it's not flawed enough to prevent a person from liking it. However, the whole Aeris Dies thing is redundant, considering that in Final Fantasy V, a better main character (Galuf) dies at the hand of ExDeath. Now, I haven't played the old NES games, but from my understanding, excluding 3 they're rather meh, and archaic. I haven't played 7 all the way, because i was using an emulator, but I played it enough to get the gist of it. The other PS1 games I haven't played, though I hear great things about IX, and that game is pretty easy to find around here, all i need is a PS1 memory card. (Those reading this, and have a spare donate PLOX! I need it for MGS). VIII I hear is meh, but actually has a main character in the PS age that doesn't look like a total chode. Sure, Squall looks like Gackt, but he looks more masculine then Cloud, Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan. XII I haven't played either, but I understand, it's not too flawed, and it doesn't use random encounters. However, it is totally true that it is exactly like Star Wars, and Vaan is the Jar Jar binks of the game, according to people who have played this game. X, despite the sequel being crap, is a great game, with some awesome characters. Tidus might suck, but he is pretty useful, and actually has a fucking role in the story. I mean, most people feel they don't get alot out of JRPGS, since it basically feels like they're wheeling their character from one cut scene to the other, with a bit of grind in between. Nevertheless, these games don't deserve retarded critism, and if you like the games, and enjoy the story you're not gonna care.

Now, here is where I get to the upcoming title in the series. Final Fantasy XIII, and the Fabula Nova Crystalis series. Now, this game, i'm taking the Yathzee Croshaw approach, and being rather cynical of this title, considering only a rental at best. Because the main character, who is called Lightning (but is thankfully not her real name), is basically supposed to be a female version of Cloud, with a gunblade. Now, I really want to like this game, but I can't considering how it's 2 years away, and that Square hasn't really said anything promising about this game. I mean, it is on the 360, which i like, and people who claim this is hurting the series are fucking stupid. People will get the PS3 version, but to those who have the 360 only wil get the game. Their is no reason for people to make a big deal out of it, it's happening, live with it. The game will probably not be too great anyways. So yeah, that's really all I have to say on this.

Now, I am gonna conclude this whole rant, or wall of text by saying this. Never get your hopes up for any game, you may get all your hopes shoved up your ass. Play the games before forming an opinion, don't let a single review change it, or persuade you otherwise. Don't be a total dick, and think that every game in a franchise is terrible, it only makes you to be a dick, and no one will take your opinions seriously of a game. Especially if you have giving the game any proper consideration. It pays to be a cynic, but play the games any way because it may change your whole premise of a game you thought might be shit, and in reality is not half bad. All and all, don't be a faggot, try it before you buy it, and don't be a fucking tool.

That is all. Thanks.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - June 14th, 2008

all the good times, we had together.

So yeah, I did it, I graduated from highschool. Will add pictures later. I'm happy, and sad because I completed high school, and I'm leaving it, aswell as the good people there.

Also, I got a iTunes gift card... but because I fucking hate iTunes format, I need a good, non-ass converter, and fast.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - May 4th, 2008

Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star:

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...Or, Kenshiro from Fist of the Blue Sky:

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You decide.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - April 22nd, 2008

Hey guys, let's listen to epic 80's musics

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Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - February 14th, 2008

Hello NewFags! I have actually updated this damn blog. Last time I did one of these was in August. The following things happened to me during that time.

1. School started up
2. Bought Kingdom Hearts, and beat it (awesome game)
3. Did Lord of the Flies... boring book, but piss easy marks.
4. Christmas, got lots of stuff, mostly clothes. Plus Kingdom Hearts 2, and Heroes complete 1st season.
5. Practically beat KH2, but basically backtracked so I could get 100% and complete Jiminy's Journal. Still on it.
6. Started playing Final Fantasy X (amazing game, too bad the sequel was lame.)
7. My computer's CD Drive was replaced, but got all FUBARed, now the firewall won't work, and the removable D Drive won't work, so I returned to my windows 98 computer. It got a RAM update so it won't fail automatically.
8. Bought a cheap as fuck used Gameboy Advance with a light and an adaptor, and got FFV for it.
9. Started posting this shit.

Like the title says, I'm going to share some rather humourous and awesome dreams that happened during the months of August to Now. I am amazed that I remembered these after all that time, since dreams don't take long to forget, but I can vaguely remember these three dreams well enough to tell you them.

~The Chun-Li Guro Dream~ Occurrence: Last Week.

How this particular dream resonated from was possibly from me browsing Rule34 for Chun-Li /H/ and seeing lulzy Guro pics. But this is how it went.

It started out with a clip of what seemed to be a hentai movie with somewhat amazing plot and dialogue. With me scrolling through the clip to the part were Chun-Li is getting raped/fucked. I kept doing this for a while in an attempt to masturbate to it. Then I finally gave up on this idiot strategy and waited for the part to come up on it's own. But then a different anime clip came up. The art looked in style of Hokuto no Ken, but the story seemed to be that of Saint Seiya. Which was weird, then my mother came out to get ready for worked said to me "Is this Pokemon?" and I informed her it was "Knights of the Zodiac" then she took off for work, and I decided to find the hentai part. I found the part, but it was a different clip. It was Chun-Li and had a kid in what appeared to be her apartment. The kid was apparently adopted, and this is where the dream gets fun, in this clip, I see a mysterious person coming behind Chun-Li while she's doing the dishes and this person grabs Chun-Li's hand rams it into the garberator, rips off her qipao, and starts stabbing her, and raping her. All the while the kid is crying, and screaming as he watching Chun-Li getting fucked in newly created orifices. I then woke up as soon as the sadomasochistic rapist cums into her bleeding slit throat. I clearly had a hard-on after this dream. I guess I really am fucked up.

~The Dirty Cunt Dream~ Occurrence: Sometime in October, possibly Halloween.

Now, I remember getting home from school, and was just totally exhausted. This is relevant because that's where the dream takes place. This dream started at the middle of the parking lot at my school. Where I am standing, and this girl I know in real life, who we'll refer to as SomewhatCuteEmoSlut, (or SCES.) Now the first thing this girl does is come up to me and asks if I want my dick slut... Now, I don't think I need to answer this one for YOU, so basically, she I take her to my Dad's van, which is humourously enough in the parking lot, with my Dad in the van. This is what I would like to call "dream-foreshadowing." The van, and this whole dream itself is basically a setup for a different story. Weird that my brain can function this way. Anyway, I take SCES to the van, my Dad takes this as his cue to get out, and he takes off into nowhere, which makes the dream more bizarre. I get in the van, and just seconds before I can get my pants down for SCES to perform the fellatio on me, the MotherHen magically appears, and explains to SCES that I am just using her for sexual purposes. NO SHIT SHERLOCK! GOD DAMN! HOW BAD AM I WITH WOMEN THAT MY OWN DREAM COCKBLOCKS ME! FUCK, I NEED TO LEARN LUCID DREAMING TO PREVENT THIS SHIT, OR ATLEAST CREATE SOME WINGMEN! Ugh, luckily, I am a devilish bastard, and manipulate SCES into a compromise, that I'll do her first; as in perform cunnilingus on her. This somehow makes the MotherHen back off, andthen I begin licking her cunt.... her dirty, undouched cunt. This apparently left a bitter taste in my mouth, and the Van starts driving itself. A lolwtf? moment if I do say so myself. So, I regrettibly keep licking her nasty cunt, and she seems to love it. During this process SCES starts giving me a handjob, whilst I'm still licking her cunt. The MotherHen just watches, which is fucking hysterical, since she's the portrayal of ewvery stereotypical Mother Hen. Ugly, fat, bad personality/hygiene, etc. SCES cums, and then I start jizzing on her glasses. The van stops in the same fucking place where it started, and my dad come back to bring me to the next part of the dream.... which is unimportant, but I'll tell you guys if you really want to hear it. But before Dad takes me to that portion, SCES and the MotherHen get out. Jizz on her glasses and all. THEN the dream moves on...

How that dream probably came about was me reading a fuckload of Tucker Max stories, and finding them awesome beyond any and all extent. But yeah, that conclude the dream.

~The Gay Naruto Dream~ Occurrence: Sometime in August.

As many of you know, I am a fan of various anime, but this dream truly marked the beginning of my otakuism and possibly my insanely awesome dreams. But of all the dreams, this is the funniest, and the most climactic of them all, since this dream was like GuroChan on crack. Basically, I am rather vague on how it all went about, but it seemed to be me running around various places trying do do something involving the anime Fushigi Yugi,and everyonce in a while Naruto would come out of fucking nowhere, and challenge me to a battle using the gayest voice ever imagined. It sounded like Richard Cox's voice from Kuno's Pervert Adventures. It was that hysterical. Because his voice was too humourous, I just walked away. But then he says "Wait, I didn't catch your name. What is it?" I simply retorted with "You aren't deserving of it." He then said "I'm going to call you Bazuelle." I just said "You're creeping me the fuck out." I then left. I then found myself in some sort of pod room, and I was confused by this. Then I saw a person who looked like Cardinal Ravenwood from Metalocalypse, only in a hospital gown just idly walking towards me. I decide that he is creepy, and beat his ass and eventually stabbing him. Then pushing him into a cryogenic pod. This is just funny as fuck, after I did this, Gary (Gendo) came up to me and said to me "Nice going dumbass, he was going to help you meet the chick from Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden." I was just all "D: ARE YOU SERIOUS? DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!" Gary just said, "Well you've fucked up, I'm out of here." I then got on my knees, and held out my arms with a straight "what the fuck?" expression on my face. When Gary left Naruto came to me and I said to him "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" To which he said to me; in the gayest voice possible: "Um... Bazuelle, I think I love you." I was just shocked. and said to myself "Why the fuck is this shit happening to me?" but, that was immedietly interrupted by Naruto screaming: "IM CHARGING MY LAZERZ!!!!"

I woke up convulsing with laughter. It was so fucked up, it was hysterical. Well, that is all outta me, hope you enjoyed reading my fucked up dreams, I sure as hell had plenty of fun writing, and remembering these fucking dreams. You'll hear more once I get another fantastic dream.

Thanks negroes :D

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - August 6th, 2007

Well, this is by far the best way to say this: MY INTERNETS IS BACK.

You've probably already clicked my sig linking to this terrible faggotry, but rest assured, if you still are grieving over my loss, or laughing at my blatant foolishness please do the latter, I really fucking deserve it. Why? Because I managed to destroy my wireless internet connection for atleast 2 days, and get it back no more then 10 minutes ago. How? let me explain.

Well, last night, I was watching Heroes on my Dad's computer (got addicted to it when I found out Hiro's powers were muhfuggin' based off Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures). I got up to episode 14 before my dad came home from work. After that, I just watched television for about 7 hours it seems. Caught Spartacus on CityTV, very good, basically, the rest was shit on comedy network, and The Dead Zone( An episode about a faggot, who killed his gay Pakistani lover, and blamed it on a white surpremist= awesome television). Eventually, I read my August copy of Shojo Beat (which has the last chapter of Nana they serialized). Got up to Crimson Hero which is really boring, and couldn't stand the Volleyball nonsense; yet read it anyway. Then I decided to watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD. After episode 00, I just got bored and tired to occupy my time, so I read the Wireless PCI-B Adaptor manual. I then noticed a line saying "Make sure the Adaptor is fully connected to the computer". So I obviously must've knocked it out. I then, opened my computer up, took out the adaptor, and put it back in MAKING SURE IT WAS CONNECTED. I turned on my computer, and my internet connection, along with my ' matt2' connection was back and I was fucking happy.