The Tetsuya Naito of Newgrounds

Age 35, Male

Being ingobernable


Vancouver, BC, Canada

Joined on 11/21/03

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MattTheParanoidKat's News

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - August 4th, 2007


This story is a parody of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is a Manga, and OVA series no one has ever seen or read. However, you've probably heard of the infamous meme "WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" that steams from JJBA. And basically, in JJBA all the lead protaganists in each series are named JoJo. And there is the most awesome villian of all time Dio Brando. In JJBA, they have lame music references up the asshole, which is awesome

MGBA stars Myself, and Gendo in a gay orgy of lulz, excitement, and rape jokes. Lots of violence, and it doesn't take itself seriously, and isn't repetitve like Elfin Lied. Srsly, that show is awful, you'd have to be a retard to watch it. Me and Gary both share writing credits. And where both undenialibly awesome. So, this story is the greatest thing on earth. Know, you might be reading the story wondering "Who the bloody hell is Dennis?" Ask Gendo for that, but long story short- he's a faggot. Basically, in keeping with tradition of JJBA, MGBA is full of music references; most notibly THE SWANS.

Basically, this story is the greatest story in the world, and you'd be a fool not to read it. SO READ AND WATCH YOUR EYES ORGASM.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - August 4th, 2007

Now, I never thought I'd be stupid enough to destory my internet connection but I guess I am stupid enough to do such a thing. I run on a wireless adaptor, Linksys Wireless - B PCI Adaptor to be exact. As some of you read, I often use the internet to watch television shows. My internet was being foolish on me, so I decided to connect to a different ewireless network, that isn't mine. Let me explain a bit, my father has a Linksys Wireless Broadband Router for me to connect to and use. The usual network i iuse is called 'matt2', which my father put together.

Back to the story, I was trying to watch Heroes on my computer, when my 'matt2' network stopped working. Fed up with it, i decided to switch my network to another. The network I switched to ewas called "James." I connected; now I already watched 3 episodes of Heroes before my 'matt2' network failed, it was in the middle of episode 6. But, because i watched so many episodes of Heroes using a DivX control, my windows drive had already lost about the remainder of it's free ram. So, I decided to switch back to my 'matt2' network. However, this is where the problem began. It wouldn't let me.

When I saw that the "James" Network i was connected to wouldn't allow to reconnect, I assumed the worse. That the person suppling the "James" network was trying to steal my information. I wasn't on Newgrounds, or MSN, or AIM at the time, so it wouldn't have mattered either way; but, I paniced. So I decided to fiddle around with my computer to try to discover how to reconnect to my "matt2" network. With that failing, I decided to do something, that I believe is the root cause of my internet connection no longer working. I unscrewed the antenna.

Basically, after I did this, and noticed it still was working, I shut down the computer, hoping that I could reconnect to my matt2 network. I rescrewed the antenna, and just waited. I then noticed that the icon that shows my wireless connection. I clicked on it, and changed my preffered networks. Switched "matt2" and removed "James." But, when I tried to reconnect, no wireless connections were being shown. I rebooted my computer, but when it reloaded, the icon that would normally show my wireless connection wasn't there anymore.

And now, i'm using my dad's computer explaining this too you. I'll have to use my dad's computer for interneting now, because I can't get my connection back. I'd reinstall my adaptor if I could, but another problem: Broken disk drive. Kick in the balls isn't it? So, I definitly need to get my disk drive fixed, reinstall my adaptor, then my internet on my computer is back. But, i'm pretty fucked for now.

God damn my stupidity.

Posted by MattTheParanoidKat - July 31st, 2007

Well, it has actually come to this. Making a blog on Newgrounds. Personally, I thought that I wouldn't make one right now. I'm just extremely bored. I need something to do, so I'm making a blog to entertain my ass for another 14 minutes. Then, my video download from fucking veoh will be complete. What I'm downloading is the 6th OVA episode from Fushigi Yugi Original Video Series Part 2. For clarification, Fushigi Yugi is an anime, and I'm quite fond of it. So once it downloads my time will be spent watching it with my hand on my cock, jizzing in typical otaku faggotry. Seriously though, I get a good 50 minutes of entertainment on my computer. ISN'T THAT GREAT FOLKS? Jesus I have no life.

To sidetrack, Mr. Allan Murrey, also known as ZeroAsALimit was very kind to send me some jizztastic tracks from New York based band The Swans. Who are the Swans you ask? Just the most awesome band to listen to while masturbating. Lyrics about babies being killed, and about raping people; God it's fucking fantastic. Michael Gira should probably be in prison for his lyrics, because when he's singing about differant song subjects, like rape, and murder; you better know he's fucking capable of it. God I love you ZAAL.

Now, conversations with Gendo have been fun, and not to let the Cat out of the bag; it's best that I don't mention that me and him are geniuses when it comes to writing a BBS story*. Personally, talking to Gendo is a joy really. With Revird crumbling because a certain person is being all crybaby, and him being an idiot giving control to a person who shouldn't have said power. Seriously, not funny anymore.

*August 4 nigggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas.

Looks like my download is done, took shorter than expected. But, I'm not done rambling on useless shit; so I might aswell talk about MUGEN. Basically, I've downloaded a couple characters for the game for muhfuggin' Dio Brando to bitch slap around a little. However; I couldn't because for some reason my Broken Mugen screenpack is being a fuck ass, and not showing them as characters, and I can't get EVE Battle back, because MUGEN Infantry is down. So, I'm going to have to be a miserable fuck, and wait. Oh Dio, what ever shall I do?


The Boredom of MattTheParanoidKat